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Unit 2

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on December 11, 2013 at 2:32:04 pm

Synchronous and asynchronous communication tools: Text /Audio/Video





Participants will have the opportunity to chat with Italian natives through different synchronous and asynchronous media such as Blackboard, Skype, Anymeeting, Google + hangout, and Second Life.

During these chats they will learn how to use the many powerful features of each of these environments, such as voice chat and webcam-enhanced chat.

In week 1 participants will explore several podcasts to create their own podcasts by speech analysis tools (PRAAT) and add them to their virtual portfolio.  

In week 2 they will work in groups to record specific dialogues using PRAAT or joining virtual classes in Second Life. Podcast and videocasts will be added in their virtual portfolio too.

Presenter: Dott.ssa Carmela Dell'Aria

Virtual Venue: NUIG B&B, WizIQ or/and  Anymeeting, PBworks, Second Life, Skype, Soundcloud, Google+ hangout, Edmodo, Glogster.

Second Life session


Participants will have the opportunity to interact with Italian natives in Second Life. In this session they will work in groups to record  dialogues in specific situations. The session will be recorded and posted in B&B and in our wiki.
Moderator: Dott.ssa Carmela Dell'Aria
Virtual Venue: to join our classes in Second Life, please, click on this SLURL (link)  and you will log in. The SLURL will take you directly to our home, Caffè Italia. Then click on the big red door and you will be in the hotel.   




Titolo: In Albergo


Principali atti linguistici

Presentarsi in modo informale 
Chiedere per sapere
Descrivere una cosa o situazione


Le strutture, le regole e gli usi

Il presente indicativo della prima, seconda e terza coniugazione
Il presente indicativo di essere, avere e fare
La frase interrogativa diretta con chi, che cosa, come, dove, quando e perché
I pronomi personali
Le preposizioni


Siete liberi di interpretare la situazione a vostro piacimento ma se non vi sentite ancora sicuri seguite i dialoghi con le parole più utili che trovate nella sezione del laboratorio in B&B.

N.B. Per maggiori dettagli sulla situazione in albergo vi invito a rivedere l'unità 5 del semestre 1.


(The script that you have to role-play in Second Life with natives is posted in B&B. Please, read carefully the text before the virtual class so you can be ready for the role-play).

Laboratorio Linguistico: testo narrativo e dialoghi



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